11 November 2009

A Tale of The Atheist's Scarlet Letter 'A' of Atheism Many events within the last couple of years have shown that Atheism is being highly evangelized and glorified. There has been buses with logo’s that claim that “God probably does not exist” and also, “The Out Campaign” each preaching how great Atheism is and that the likelihood of God being so slight in their words that no one should be concerned because God probably does not exist. And with atheists claiming that Atheism is not a religion, they can do things that Jews and Christians cannot. This claim by atheists that Atheism is not a religion is getting more and more difficult for atheists to honestly state because if they would just take a look at what [Atheism] is doing and an honest reading in a dictionary, they would understand that Atheism is a religion. In “Atheism - An Atheist's Religious Denial of Faith in Their Beliefs” I showed how atheists practicing their religion of Atheism deny that it is a religion and how atheists go to extremes to deny the dictionary definitions of words like, religion, faith, belief, worldview and others which accurately describe Atheism its atheist beliefs. This article also pointed to the “American Atheists” web site which describes the religion of Atheism’s worldview agenda that atheists want to accomplish. In the article I also gave a few examples of how atheists within their religion of Atheism have started their own religious rituals for their, “coming out” ceremonies which directly mock and scoff at the Jewish and Christian ceremonies performed to worship God and Christ Jesus. An “atheist coming out ceremony” is a type of Atheism religious ritual in which a person willingly chooses to come before a number of people who have chosen to deny God’s existence, to himself or herself openly deny God’s existence thus their “coming out” is a public statement of their Atheism religious beliefs. As with religious ceremonies in other religions, some atheists approve of and others do not approve of these Atheism religious ceremonies. Also as within other religions, those within the religion of Atheism do not always agree with everything being taught about their religion of choice. Most atheists just flatly deny that they participate in a religion stating that Atheism is not a religion. One of the most notable parts of the religion of Atheism is the emergence of its religious symbol, a “Scarlet Letter ‘A’” which the people who deny God exists in the religion of Atheism proudly display that they are an atheist following in the religion of Atheism. The Scarlet Letter A is even referred to as a, “Red Badge of Courage” by some atheists. The Atheist’s Scarlet Letter A is a religious symbol which I predict...
The Richard Dawkins Delusion (Part 1) Richard Dawkins and those who believe in him are truly, DELUSIONAL (Part 1) Last year I read, “The God Delusion” written by Richard Dawkins. From time to time I like to read about the secular world religion of Atheism and Richard Dawkins is one of the current leading atheist writers on Atheism so last year I picked his book to read. The purpose of this series of articles is a critique of the deluded book from Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion. I’ve learned over the last nine months that many atheists do not read anything which goes against their religion of Atheism. I guess they feel threatened reading books by Ravi Zacharias, Lee Strobel, Antony Flew, C. S. Lewis, and others who were once atheist but during their honest search for truth let the evidence lead them to the truth. I also learned over the last nine months that many atheists think that followers of Christ Jesus are afraid to actually test their faith in Christ Jesus because these atheists falsely believe that followers of Christ Jesus have a blind faith. Well, in reality followers of Christ Jesus are actually taught to test and examine ourselves to see if we are actually in the faith. (2 Corinthians 13:5) This teaching is why I read Richard Dawkins’ book among many other secular writings. As I was reading Dawkins’ ramblings, musings and distortions I decided to take a few notes and do some writing of my own. This series of articles points out some of the numerous points within Dawkins’ book, The God Delusion that made me think the most. This series of articles goes somewhat along with the chapters of Dawkins’ delusional book but not totally. Unless otherwise noted, all references to Richard Dawkins within this series of articles come from directly from his deluded book, The God Delusion. As Richard Dawkins in his book The God Delusion, made a disclaimer, I make this disclaimer for this series of articles in unparalleled presumption of respect to Richard Dawkins and those who believe in him and in the religion of Atheism. Also, I include agnostics who in hopes of their self-proclaimed ignorance that when their time comes to be able to debate their righteousness with God based on their ignorance of enough evidence to believe. I will not go out of my way to offend any of you yet I will handle myself as a true follower of Christ Jesus and be salt of the earth in pointing you to absolute truth and the utter delusion told of in Dawkins’ book. (Matthew 5:13) (Romans 1:16) To this I must say that some people who say they are Christian may be offended with...

Victor E. Pearson

With the commission from God to point people to and teach them the truth, I have created this blog to glorify God and to do His will. I am pleased that you are open minded to learning about Christian views on faith, morality and God.

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