08 January 2012

Christopher Hitchens Legacy to Humanity Christopher Hitchens legacy to humanity falls short of what it could have been. A statement released by Vanity Fair late the night Christopher Hitchens died stated: "There will never be another like Christopher. A man of ferocious intellect, who was as vibrant on the page as he was at the bar," Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter said in the statement. "Those who read him felt they knew him, and those who knew him were profoundly fortunate souls." I agree that there will never be another person like Christopher Hitchens and there was never anyone like him before. God creates each of us uniquely and to each of us gives some exceptional ability which not many of us actually aspire to achieve to the level that Christopher Hitchens did during his lifetime of 62 years. Christopher Hitchens’ legacy to Humanity is in my eyes two fold. Overall, Christopher Hitchens could have been so much greater than he was. Christopher Hitchens had a chance to positively change the world yet instead his legacy promotes and inspires an immense hatred against people who have placed their faith in God’s promises and follow Christ Jesus. Firstly his greatest success: Hitchens correctly went after and exposed perverted religious zealots who aspire to power and wealth and bring corruption into the world stating that God is giving them authority to do so. With his God given wit, Hitchens attacked them using his God given verbal and writing skills. In Hitchens’ rightly attacking religion, he was following what God teaches us in the Bible as religion separates people from God. “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27 NIV Secondly his greatest failure: Although Hitchens knew who God is, he also attacked God during his fight against religious zealots. With his inclusion of God during his attacks, Hitchens even though knowing who God is, is today giving many atheists an enhanced inspiration to spew messages of vile hatred towards God and Christians. To his credit: Christopher Hitchens during his lifetime clearly defined to everyone who God is and what a true Christian is yet many atheists choose to overlook and not care to know what Hitchens said and wrote about God. To his discredit: Instead of pointing people to Whom God actually is and clearly dividing a rightful line between religion and God, Hitchens chose to muddle religion with God just as those religious zealots Hitchens so rightly went after and exposed. Christopher Hitchens knew who God is: Upon more than one occasion Hitchens made it clear that he knew what true...
Yes I Use Circular Reasoning The common accusation that I use circular reasoning is actually true. In fact, everyone uses some degree of circular reasoning when defending his ultimate standard (though not everyone realizes this fact). Yet if used properly, this use of circular reasoning is not arbitrary and, therefore, not fallacious. Contrary to what you think, circular reasoning is surprisingly a valid argument. The conclusion does follow from the premises. Circular reasoning is a logical fallacy only when it is arbitrary, proving nothing beyond what it assumes. However, not all circular reasoning is fallacious. Certain standards must be assumed. Dr. Jason Lisle (AnswersInGenesis.org) gave this example of a non-arbitrary use of circular reasoning: 1. Without laws of logic, we could not make an argument. 2. We can make an argument. 3. Therefore, there must be laws of logic.(1) While this argument is circular, it is a non-fallacious use of circular reasoning. Since we couldn’t prove anything apart from the laws of logic, we must presuppose the laws of logic even to prove they exist. In fact, if someone were trying to disprove that laws of logic exist, he’d have to use the laws of logic in his attempt, thereby refuting himself. Therefore, you must agree there are certain standards that can be proven with circular reasoning. Dr. Jason Lisle, “Logical Fallacies: The Fallacy of Begging the Question,” August 17, 2009, http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/2009/08/17/logical-fallacies-begging-the-question. Other Resources http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/2011/05/27/feedback-circular-reasoning#fnMark_1_1_1

Victor E. Pearson

With the commission from God to point people to and teach them the truth, I have created this blog to glorify God and to do His will. I am pleased that you are open minded to learning about Christian views on faith, morality and God.

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